Elektroakustika is a small company, which consists of experienced experts from various fields. Due to the expertise, experience and our involvement in musical creation, we know what we are talking about when we say that the sound with us becomes friendly.
Marko Selšek
Engineer of telecommunications, graduated in the field of acoustics of space. For more than 20 years, he has accumulated knowledge and experience from audio-video issues, acoustics in space and consulting, has successfully designed and implemented over 200 projects. In 2012, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia awarded him for innovation in solving acoustical problems. His expertise also helps him with all the musical projects he conduct and works on.
Miha Bokal
technical assistant
After obtaining the title Electrical Engineer – Electrician, he graduated at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering. His work at the company Elektroakustika is focused on finding solutions and on projects of the services offered by the company, which often goes perfectly hand in hand with his love for music. His greatest joy is successfully completed work and pleased customers.
Nikolaj Štanta
technical asisstant
After finishing high school in Vipava, he continued his education at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. Already during the student years, he has accumulated a lot of experience, also in our company. As a trained musician, his work related to sound is a challenge in an area he has known and loved since his early years. He gladly takes care of problems in the areas that our company is dealing with